- Add liquidity on either uniswap or mooniswap to the following token pairs and earn $PSWAP:
- Earned $PSWAP will not be allocated on Ethereum, but will be claimable on the SORA v2 Network after SORA v2 and Polkaswap launch
- Game start block:
- Providing liquidity has risks such as impermanent loss (video) and others, so understand the risks before choosing to participate
- You will never be asked to provide your private key or passphrase to anyone to claim $PSWAP. Never give it away!

SORA Farm Game・ソラ農業組合・𒀭𒉆𒀳🌾
SORA Farm is a community initiative game that allows users to gather $PSWAP tokens by providing liquidity for ETH-XOR, ETH-VAL, XOR-VAL pairs on Uniswap or Mooniswap. The total tokens gathered can be tracked on the website. There will be a possibility to claim gathered $PSWAP tokens when $PSWAP is launched. You will never be asked to provide your private key or passphrase to anyone to claim $PSWAP. Never give it away!
What to Farm?
$PSWAP tokens! 🌾
$PSWAP is the native token of the Polkaswap DEX. Polkaswap is a non custodial liquidity aggregator, cross-chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem and hosted on the SORA v2 network.
How to Farm?
Provide liquidity for any of XOR-ETH, VAL-ETH, or VAL-XOR pairs on Uniswap or Mooniswap:
Track your gathered $PSWAP tokens on the website and claim your harvested tokens when $PSWAP token is released. Make sure to read the SORA farm rules below.

So, How Much $PSWAP Will I Get?
We ran a simulation in order to provide an overview of possible scenarios, considering different amounts of XOR-ETH provided by a user in a single pair. Note that APY is the same for all pairs since rewards are allocated equally for each pair.
Note that several assumptions were done and your actual reward at the end of the game may differ a lot from what you see here!
In the simulation we used the following assumptions:
- We studied just one pair, XOR-ETH; however, all pairs get equal rewards, so the analysis works for other pairs as well
- XOR price of $120
- ETH price $600
- PSWAP price $3
- All the liquidity providers have the same vesting coefficients (you can find more information the about vesting coefficient in the SORA farm math article)
- Liquidity of the XOR-ETH pair has a fiat value of $6,800,000 (28,300 XOR; ~8% of XOR supply)
- Game period of 3 months
Estimated Rewards for Low, Medium, and High Liquidity Providers
On the x-axis you can find Time Liquidity Provided, 100% means that you provided liquidity during the whole game.

Based on a $3 PSWAP price, the simulation, and the fact that some variables can change during the game, we calculated a conservative ROI in the game of ~20–40% for 3 months (~80–160% annually).
Note that the ROI changes as XOR, ETH, and PSWAP prices change.
If you are curious about the math, you can read the detailed SORA Farm math article.
Because $PSWAP rewards will be the same for each liquidity pool, rational actors will add liquidity to underserved pools, thus equalizing the liquidity provided to each pool in fiat terms.

How to Play: Tutorial for the SORA Farming Game
- Go to the SORA Farm website. Please make sure the address is correct!
2. Click on any tile field and choose where you want to add liquidity:

3. You will be redirected to the exchange and pair you chose to add liquidity to
4. Add liquidity to the selected pair
5. Return to the SORA Farm website, connect your wallet by clicking “CONNECT WALLET” and choose the wallet to connect to: Metamask or WalletConnect

6. Check collected $PSWAP tokens. The rewards are updated every approximately 10–60 minutes (depending on the number of users), so we suggest to wait. If the load is too high, the server can process requests slowly, so you can try later.
The black bars represent the overall liquidity ratio in each of the pools with the highest one being 100%, while the percentage and pink bar inside is showing your share of each. The lower the bar, the lower the liquidity in the pool. Note: the bars are illustrative.

The last time updated, overall PSWAP harvested, and last block calculated are shown on the bottom right of the screen:

7. If your wallet is connected, you will see the amount of liquidity you provided and your share of the overall farmland. Please note that if your liquidity is less than 1 tile, then a fractional tile will show the approximate amount of your liquidity.
Polkaswap is a highly anticipated, upcoming liquidity aggregator, cross-chain AMM DEX for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems, being built on the SORA network. Polkaswap liquidity providers will be rewarded and motivated using the $PSWAP token.
It is important to note that SORA farming is a community initiative! All code we release will need to be deployed by the community by executing the following command:
docker-compose up -d.
SORA Farm Rules
- This project is a SORA farming game enabled by the community. The decision to provide liquidity is yours. There is a possibility that asset prices will change and you will lose money. Use it at your own risk!
- There are some risks associated with providing liquidity in Uniswap and Mooniswap like an impermanent loss (video) and others.
- There are no guarantees regarding the security or safety of funds used to provide liquidity by participants on Uniswap or Mooniswap or wrong actions taken by users. Please check token addresses and websites!
- The SORA Farm game can be paused, updated, stopped, or finished earlier for support or for any other circumstances without any notice.
- The rewards calculation formula and the total amount of PSWAP allocation might change for any reason. Users will be notified if this happens.
- The code we release will include a geoblock for the web site for countries unfriendly to agriculture, such as the United States of America🇺🇸, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea🇰🇵, and the Islamic Republic of Iran🇮🇷.
- The SORA farm game website maintained by the community is
- SORA $XOR token contract address is 0x40FD72257597aA14C7231A7B1aaa29Fce868F677
- SORA $VAL token contract address is 0xe88f8313e61a97cec1871ee37fbbe2a8bf3ed1e4
- $PSWAP tokens are gathered by farming land ー i.e., providing liquidity for XOR-ETH, VAL-ETH, or VAL-XOR pairs on Uniswap or Mooniswap. Please check the token addresses before providing liquidity!
- $PSWAP token rewards are calculated with every block and updated every 10–60 minutes from the game launch (you can check the last update on the website)
- $PSWAP token rewards are allocated evenly for each liquidity pair and within each piar, liquidity providers gather rewards proportionally
- $PSWAP token rewards for farming by providing liquidity on Uniswap and Mooniswap are limited in the following way:
a) with 1 million PSWAP being the potential reward amount up to $12 million total liquidity provided;
b) with rewards linearly increasing after $12 million of total liquidity is added across all liquidity pairs, up to $24 million of total liquidity;
c) full $PSWAP token rewards will be available after $24 million total liquidity is added.
- More $PSWAP tokens are allocated at the beginning of the game and decrease with every block. However, starting from block 11587777 the rewards are the same amount as when rewards started with the first block.
- There is a time vesting coefficient for each user associated with each pair: the longer you provide liquidity — the higher the reward for that pair. If you remove all the liquidity from the pair, then your vesting coefficient is reset for this pair.
- By removing liquidity, the $PSWAP token gathering will be stopped proportionally for the current user.
- The game is stopped when one of these conditions is reached:
a) Polkaswap launch
b) The game is paused, stopped, or finished earlier for support or under any other circumstances; this can happen without notice
- PSWAP tokens will not be claimable until the SORA v2 launch. After launch, it will be possible to claim PSWAP tokens by signing the required transaction and $PSWAP tokens will be allocated on the SORA v2 mainnet and network transaction fees will likely be deducted from the $PSWAP reward amount. Tutorial on how to claim PSWAP tokens will be provided ahead of time. Please make sure to save your key for the wallet you provide liquidity from. Without this key, you will not be able to claim your rewards!
- The game start block:
The Maths
- When and how will I get $PSWAP tokens if I participated in SORA farm game?
$PSWAP tokens will not be provided until the SORA v2 launch. After launch, it will be possible to claim $PSWAP tokens by signing the required transaction (please don’t lose your private key. You will never be asked to provide your private key or passphrase to anyone to claim $PSWAP. Never give it away!) and PSWAP tokens will be allocated on the SORA v2 mainnet. Tutorial on how to claim PSWAP tokens will be provided before ahead.
- What’s the APY for SORA farm game?
We don’t know the APY as the price for $PSWAP is unknown and will be decided by the market in the future. Enjoy your farming!
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of providing liquidity?
Besides rewards given in PSWAP, liquidity providers get a 0.3% fee from Uniswap trades on the trading pairs they provide liquidity for.
There are risks associated with providing liquidity. Please read more about risks associated with providing liquidity
- Where can I see the code for the SORA Farm game?
About SORA NEO Network, Polkaswap, and Fearless
SORA NEO (New Economic Order) is a new economic system aimed at creating a supranational, decentralized central bank (DCB) with built-in tools for decentralized finance (DeFi). The SORA network implements a new way of parachain architecture on Polkadot and Kusama network, with the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to Polkadot ecosystem. One of the DeFi applications that will run on the SORA network is Polkaswap, a non custodial liquidity aggregator cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem with boundless liquidity through one of a kind Aggregate Liquidity Technology (ALT) with the security and convenience of a DEX.
Fearless Wallet is a mobile wallet designed for the decentralized future on the Kusama and Polkadot network, with support for iOS and Android platforms. An awesome user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. The Fearless wallet will integrate Polkaswap for easy, decentralized swaps of assets.
Connect with us!
SORA community:
Twitter | Telegram | Announcements Channel

Polkaswap community:
Twitter | Telegram | Announcement Channel

Fearless Wallet community:
Twitter | Telegram | Android App | iOS App